Watch your
sponsored plot
come to life.
Your sponsorship will include…
Your own e-certificate and entry on the sponsors page with upto 3 of your website/social media links.
Online image updates of your plot.
A QR code linked to your plot Zone.
plus automatic entry into the…
Golden Oak tree draw
As a big thank you as well as a little incentive to help us forest the land quicker, once each plot in our first piece of land is sponsored (this one being just under 11 acres) we will announce a draw where one lucky sponsor will receive £50,000.
The draw will be live streamed on the website for all sponsors to see.
Reforestation as an option
for reversing deforestation.
Man kind has been the main culprit for the loss of fertile, productive soil contributing to climate change and creating the green house effect with the number of trees diminishing.
The forests and Oceans are the lungs of the Earth of which life could not exist without. They help absorb 20 million tonnes of CO2 every year which is the main culprit for global warming and the greenhouse effect.
Nearly 40.6 billion hectares of land is covered with trees, almost 1/3 of the planet which is essential to our survival, food we eat, water we drink and the air we breathe and unbelievably we’re cutting down 13 million hectares a year.
Not only are we just taking down the trees but we are destroying whole habitats and eco systems reducing species we share the planet with.
Why we need to look
after our lovely forests.
About us.
We are at last becoming aware of the dangers affecting our unique blue world. Some people fear that it is already too late to put right the damage we have caused, but I believe there is hope if more of us act now.
Those of us who have spent most time on this planet – and who have probably caused it the most harm – have seen the biggest changes over the last few decades. Declines in wildlife and their habitats, shrinking forests and woodland, devastating changes in the climate, sewage in our streams and rivers, microplastics in our seas.
We can learn from inspirational countries such as Costa Rica where a government-led initiative in the 1990s has reversed deforestation and restored habitats. Today, 59% of its land is covered by forest, compared with 40% in 1986. Embracing nature has not just been good for the country’s flora and fauna, it has also boosted its tourism economy.
Costa Rica is a small country that is doing what is right for its people, and for our world. is an initiative that is also starting small – an 11-acre site near Acle and the Norfolk Broads. We’re inviting people who care about our planet to sponsor a square metre for £50.00. Trees will be planted in the first plot on the grid, Zone 24 which is in the middle of the field. When this has been reforested the next Zone will be replanted. Links will show the planting and new pictures will be put on the website as the Zone develops.
There will also be an acknowledgements page listing sponsors’ details on each Zone page, although you can of course, remain completely anonymous if you wish.
Our aim is to rejuvenate this part of our lovely county and other areas in the UK by creating a diverse woodland habitat that will attract new species – and play a small part in healing our planet.
Ian Scott
For inspiration please read
A Life on Our Planet – My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future
by David Attenborough

Ian Scott

Lauren Moore
Administration & Media

Dr Jo Parmenter
The Landscape Partnership
Ecological / Arboricultural Advisor

Joanna Breen